Welcome to ProudToBeAFurry.org!

The "Proud to be a Furry" button, c. 2010.So some years ago now I (to wit: The Gneech) created a image to put on a button, in response to some high-profile members of the furry fandom expressing what seemed to me unwarranted shame at being connected to the furry fandom. The image was attached to a rant and posted on the Suburban Jungle website, where it stayed for many years until a site redesign consigned it to internet history.

The button, and the sentiment, remained, however, and for years on and off I have been working on “fixing the Proud to be a Furry page,” because I still feel that it’s an important and useful thing for the community to recognize and celebrate just what’s so great about it.

This blog is that fix. But this time, it isn’t just me going on a rant– ProudToBeAFurry.org is a diverse creative team, working towards the common cause of spreading furry awesomeness. Some of us are writers, some are artists, some photographers, some fursuiters (or at least would-be fursuiters, depending on budget), and all of us love the fandom, not just for what it is, but also for what it can be.

So What is the Blog ABOUT?

The easiest way to answer that is to simply paraphrase our own submissions page: we will be posting short articles, news stories, or other items relevant to the topic of what makes the furry fandom awesome, and why we love being part of it, including:

  • Friends and Furrydom. Many of us have personal stories of finding friends/support in the furry community, and these stories deserve sharing.
  • Furries in the Community. From charity auctions to fursuiting groups visiting local hospitals, furries are an amazing, giving group. We want this to be recognized!
  • Art, Creativity, and Expression. Furry art, fursuits and cosplay, furry writing… all these and more are practiced in the furry fandom at a high level of excellence. We intend to find and showcase these amazing talents.

Over the next few weeks our creators will be posting their stories and we’ll be launching our various “columns.” In the not-too-distant future we will be adding more as we get up and running, such as a podcast, Patreon subscription options, and more. In the meantime, we’d love hear from you! What sort of things would you like us to cover? What topics do you think need highlighting?

We’re excited to be on this journey, and we’ll hope you’ll come along with us.

-John “The Gneech” Robey
February, 2017