Albert Temple Memorial Planned

Ryan Dewalt post on FurAffinity about the Albert Temple memorial.
Ryan Dewalt posted to his journal on FurAffinity:

I have been in contact with his family, there is a memorial service for Online Friends that is being planned for end of April. No specific date/time/location has been given yet. I’m looking to put together a potential Interest count, of friends who intend to definitely attend.

Location: Oakland, California suburb, somewhere between Richmond/Vallejo/Concord.

I do NOT have a specific date, time, or location. Just “End of April”

Please let me know (in Note or e-mail (rdewalt @ gmail .com) ) your interest.


Former MFF Chair Dan Hauschild (Takaza Wolf) Passes Away

Screenshot of the MFF Twitter account announcement of Takaza's death.

On Sunday afternoon, March 26th, the Midwest Furfest Twitter account announced the passing of Dan Hauschild.

The entire #FurFest family is saddened to report the passing of previous chairman, longtime staffer, @takazajw. We will miss you dearly.

Mr. Hauschild, known among the fandom as Takaza Wolf, was a former chairman of Midwest Furfest, as well as having served on the staff of AnthroCon and Mephit Furmeet. He is survived by his husband, Duncan da Husky. Hauschild was 41.

Art Spot: Train Ride by Orangetavi

Train Ride by Orangetavi on DeviantArt
Via DeviantArt

While not exclusively a “furry” artist, Orangetavi often draws furry characters, and especially red pandas. This piece looks like a frame from a Ghibli film…

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Sun and Sundress by TwoKinds

Sun and Sundress by Twokinds, via DeviantArt
Sun and Sundress by Twokinds, via DeviantArt

Not gonna lie, I’m a sucker for furries on the beach.

You can tell, can’t you? ¬.¬

You can find more at Two Kinds.

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

#FemaleFursuiterMonth Makes for a Warm and Fuzzy March

Stagboy_Faunte's #FursuiterFemaleMonth tweet
Source: Twitter

Fursuiter @SunTattooWolf has declared March to be #FemaleFursuiterMonth, and Twitter has seen a steady stream of posts by proud and happy women suiters posting selfies in and out of suit to express their love for the hobby. Common sentiments include…

“Here’s my #FemaleFursuiterMonth because after 6-7 years people are still surprised to learn I’m female :P”

“I’ve enjoyed the #femalefursuitermonth posts. The diversity behind the masks and performance is awesome to see”

“Still new to the fursuit scene, but #FemaleFursuiterMonth has been so inspiring! I want to contribute to the fun (and make more suits!)”

“I had someone mention ‘Why should #FemaleFursuiterMonth exist?’ The owl mascot and I am the only women in this photo. That’s why.”

“#FemaleFursuiterMonth has shown me just how often I assume it’s a guy under there. Hope to join these ranks one day!”

This is the second year for the hashtag, which also received attention from Rune’s Furry Blog and other sources. SunTattooWolf explains, “What got me to start it was the Women’s History month. I wanted to show appreciation to Female fursuiters just the same as Women’s History month.” She also wanted to make a point of including trans women, “to show that we’re female no matter what. So, femalefursuiter month brings a diversity, which I am happy to see.”

“Furries For a Cure” Take Part in ACS Relay for Life

Furries For a Cure Join the ACS Relay for Life

The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life is a team fundraising event, in which members take turns walking the designated course for six to 24 hours, during which time each team keeps a member on the track at all times to signify that cancer never sleeps. As they say on their website, “Cancer patients don’t stop because they’re tired, and for one night, neither do we.”

The Oslow County, North Carolina team “Furries for a Cure” started in 2012 with a team of four, and have in that time more than tripled in size, with members from as far away as Texas coming to join in the event.

The team’s next relay event in on April 21st in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The team’s goal is to raise $9,000. If you’d like to donate or get involved, visit the team’s web page.

Albert Temple, Creator of “Gene Catlow,” Passes Away

Gene Catlow, Vol 1 Cover
Image Source: FurPlanet

Ryan Dewalt reports on FurAffinity that Albert Temple, creator of the long-running and popular furry webcomic Gene Catlow, has passed away at 59 due to natural causes.

Gene Catlow began in 2000 and covered a wide variety of topics including race (“species”) relations, tech humor, and Albert’s particular humble and loving approach to the world.

Albert’s messages of love, tolerance, and good humor in the face of adversity will be sorely missed.

Art Spot: “Nikolas” by Zarnala

Nikolas by Nikolaspascal, via DeviantArt
Nikolas by Nikolaspascal, via DeviantArt

Sphinxcat. Furry?

– Multiclass Geek

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Furries and Bowling

Courtney, Self-Proclaimed Princess of the Furries
Via Courtney, Self-Proclaimed Princess of the Furries

The kitschy charm of Fursuit Bowling is one of those “two great things that taste great together” things, and if you have the opportunity to experience a furry bowling meetup, I highly recommend it. Recently, an older Tumblr post on the blog “Bullshit Mountain” has been updated and is making the rounds again, as seen on Xydexx’s Tumblr:

From the original post and its immediate comments…


so after posting this i found out that this is a thing that occurs monthly at this particular bowling alley because since this post BLEW RIGHT THE HELL UP and a few people found me and invited me to come back sometime?!?! this month’s furbowl (those are things, they’re called furbowls) happened to be last saturday and i was working a 12-hour closing shift that day but i showed up at the end of the night while they were already in the middle of the big group shot outside and they were about to disperse but i sprinted over asking them to hold still for just another second so i could get a picture and one of them screamed “YOU CAME BACK!!!!!!!” [sic]

…and a followup comment from user theotherguysride

Like okay. I’ve got something to say about these people.

These people are /fucking rad/.

Furries get a harsh rep. Furries get stomped a lot in social media, in TV, as a subculture pushed to the very fringes. Because people don’t understand, don’t want to understand them. They are Other and therefore not to be trusted.

Fuck that noise. When I was in one of the shittiest parts of my life, the local Furry community that my (now ex, she was one of the crazy ones) girlfriend was a part of PULLED OUT THE STOPS to make me feel welcome, gave me shelter and food when I needed it, and saved my fucking life. I found myself more than once being greeted with cheers and laughter and inclusion, even though I myself am not a furry.

Stories like this though? I love. Because here is someone who clearly isn’t a Furry, but still gets to see and /display/ that utterly welcoming side of them. Every furry I have ever met has been inclusive, kind, and if not decent, then at least not evil for evils sake.

Damn, now I wish I had a furbowl in my area to show up to and talk to people with.

I’ve had some really bad conversations at work with some people, one of them a lady who came in tipsy and trapped me behind the register talking about her last hotel, apparently near a furcon. I wanted so badly to explain it, but I was at work., Ugh. I couldn’t say that those people are amazing and rad and creative, and so what. Humanity is overrated sometimes.

Do not fear the Other, when the Other so clearly wants you to be a part of it in a way that is safe, sane, and comfortable.

These are the kinds of things that make us proud to be furries. Keep it up, everyone! Be out there, be visible, and be awesome.

-The Gneech