Every year is the first year for someone! AnthroCon is only a month away, and now is a good time to check out Inkblitzer’s excellent “Road to AnthroCon” series:
- Week Zero
- Housing and Registration
- Travel
- What to Expect
- Staying Healthy
- What to Do!
- What to Pack!
- Interacting with Fursuiters
You might also want to check out When Cons Go Bad: Dealing With a Disappointing Convention, because it happens from time to time.
There are a ton of great furry conventions out there; here at ProudToBeAFurry.org we tend to focus on AnthroCon or Midwest Furfest because they are two of the largest and the ones we tend to get to the most often.
We’ve got more articles on the way, including post-con depression (PCD) and how to get through it, ways to find and make friends at conventions, and more. Stay tuned!
-The Gneech