Art Spot: Maxi Dress by Cat_Named_Fish

Maxi Dress by Cat_Named_Fish, via FurAffinity
Maxi Dress, by Cat_Named_Fish, via FurAffinity

Taurs are a fun variation that present a whole new set of artistic challenges– not the least of which is “Clothes: How do they even work?” XD Here’s one adorable answer.

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: We Won’t Let Your Light Escape by Neotheta

We Won't Let Your Light Escape, by Neotheta, via FurAffinity
We Won’t Let Your Light Escape, by Neotheta, via FurAffinity

A powerful piece on friendship, community, and the bond we all share. Beautiful.

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Sleepover! by FreelanceManga

Sleepover! by FreelanceManga, via DeviantArt
Sleepover! by FreelanceManga, via DeviantArt

Sometimes, art doesn’t have to be rich and beautifully-rendered to be awesome. XD Furry is all about fun and the joy of being together!

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: A Bit of Friendship for Tempest by Yakovlev-vad

A Bit of Friendship for Tempest by Yakovlev-vad, via DeviantArt
A Bit of Friendship for Tempest by Yakovlev-vad, via DeviantArt

We don’t generally do a lot of My Little Pony stuff here, leaving that for Equestria Daily and related sites, but it is the official view of that pony fandom is a subset of furry fandom, regardless how certain parties among either of them may feel about it– and this pic is too adorable to resist.

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: [c] Hakuna by Melioque

[c] Hakuna by Melioque, via FurAffinity
[c] Hakuna by Melioque, via FurAffinity

…I’ll be in my trailer. ¬.¬

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Assassin’s Kitty by Hax

Assassin's Kitty by Hax, via FurAffinity
Assassin’s Kitty by Hax, via FurAffinity

“Hax” is actually the combination of -Lofi and Kenket, both of whom have been featured on the Art Spot before. They’re just really good, okay??? ¬.¬

Also, I stole this image for the portrait of my tabaxi monk in Inkblitzer’s D&D game.

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Podloga by Fukari

Podloga by Fukari, via DeviantArt
Podloga by Fukari, via DeviantArt

Back in the Yerf! days, one of the recurring issues that people loved to talk about at length was that so much of furry art didn’t show anyone actually doing anything. And twenty(!?) years later, it’s still a thing. People want portraits of their fursonas, and that’s fine, but for me, the best furry art is about catching a moment, and expressing the character through that moment, and this piece really shines at it. Her happy grin and his one open eye, the fully-realized background, even the shoes tossed in the corner really bring you into the scene and give you a sense of these two BFFs and what they’re like.

Stellar work!

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Open Water by KaityCuddle

Open Water by KaityCuddle, via FurAffinity

Open Water by KaityCuddle, via FurAffinity

What can I say about KaityCuddle that this picture doesn’t already say better? Go forth and adore her work!

KaityCuddle on FA
Koyt on DeviantArt
KaityCuddle on Tumblr

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Cat Bandit by Vagner Farias

Cat Bandit by Vagner Farias, via Facebook

Cat Bandit by Vagner Farias, via Facebook

I found this terrific Brazilian artist and animator through Pinterest. He has a classic “Disney style” look and creates characters who are fluid and full of life. I haven’t found if he has galleries anywhere other than Facebook, alas, so if anyone knows of any, please let us know!

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.

Art Spot: Aersynn – Walk the Runway, by Noben

Aersynn - Walk the Runway by Noben

Aersynn – Walk the Runway by Noben via FurAffinity

Noben’s work is always vibrant and energetic. Even their somber pieces are inviting, but their best work exults in furries taking delight in the world around them. Great stuff!

Noben on FurAffinity
Noben on DeviantArt
Noben on Tumblr

-The Gneech

The PTBAF Art Spot highlights some of the best in furry art, selected more-or-less at random by our staff. PTBAF supports the rights of artists and creators and our policy is to only post items by permission or otherwise consistent with applicable copyright laws. If your work has been used erroneously or you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.