Mephit Fur Meet Calls for Volunteers

Mephit Fur Meet 2017 - True Colors
Source: Mephit Fur Meet

Mephit Fur Meet, held annually on or around Labor Day Weekend in Memphis, is looking for volunteers. From the convention website:

MFM needs volunteers to help with it’s many panels, activities, and operations. By working just 15 hours over the length of the Meet, you can earn a roll-over membership for next year’s Meet.

The MFM staff will need help with the following: Registration, Security, Dealer’s Den set-up and removal, computer room set-up Auction, clean-up, and other NIRTS areas (Need It Right This Second). You don’t have to work in one place; you can pick where you’d like to help, providing that there is need. posts community information as a public service and has not received any compensation from the organization(s) referenced in this article. If you have a community event you would like to promote, send us a note at

Former MFF Chair Dan Hauschild (Takaza Wolf) Passes Away

Screenshot of the MFF Twitter account announcement of Takaza's death.

On Sunday afternoon, March 26th, the Midwest Furfest Twitter account announced the passing of Dan Hauschild.

The entire #FurFest family is saddened to report the passing of previous chairman, longtime staffer, @takazajw. We will miss you dearly.

Mr. Hauschild, known among the fandom as Takaza Wolf, was a former chairman of Midwest Furfest, as well as having served on the staff of AnthroCon and Mephit Furmeet. He is survived by his husband, Duncan da Husky. Hauschild was 41.